Extract one or more levels of administrative unit geometries from the GADM database in GeoPackage format

gadm.extract(input, output, countries = NULL, level = 0:5, ...)



GeoPackage file to read from


name of file to save output to


country or countries to limit results to, if NULL returns all countries


level(s) of administrative units 0:5 to extract; note not all levels are defined for all countries


additional arguments passed to sf::st_write()


This function is designed to extract subsets of the Database of Global Administrative Areas (GADM). It uses the version of the database in GeoPackage format that provides one layer for each level of administrative division, available at https://gadm.org/download_world.html. The current version of this file is gadm36_levels.gpkg. It is intended for programmatic and reproducible subsetting of the database without requiring the user to individually download specific country data files.


if (FALSE) {
## extract
gadm.extract("gadm36_levels.gpkg", "Nordics.gpkg",
             c("Denmark", "Finland", "Iceland", "Norway", "Sweden"),
             level = 0:2)

## add layers 3 and 4, use delete_layer = TRUE to rewrite existing layers
gadm.extract("gadm36_levels.gpkg", "Nordics.gpkg",
             c("Denmark", "Finland", "Iceland", "Norway", "Sweden"),
             level = 0:4, delete_layer = TRUE)